My dad works in b two b marketing.
He came by my school for career day and said he was a big roas man.
Then he told everyone how much he loved calculating his return on ad spend.
My friends still laugh at me.
To this day, not everyone gets b two B.
But with LinkedIn you'll be able to reach people who do get dollar 100 credit on your next ad campaign.
Go to results to claim your credit.
That's results.
Terms and conditions apply.
LinkedIn the place to be to be I awoke to a dead world.
My eyes opened to the ruined husks of London and Paris, to the submerged carcass of Manhattan, to the burnt desert that the once lush Amazon rainforest had become.
The Pacific Ocean was a black expanse crisscrossed by the bright scars of molten lava.
The newly barren grounds of southeast Asia were covered in crystallized rock.
It was a world without birds or grass or oxygen, a world of deafening silence.
Then I remembered the attack, the invasion, the cataclysm that had killed the world, the straight edged starships bombing our cities, boiling our seas, vanquishing our atmosphere.
I knew immediately that I was alone, more alone than any single human had ever been before.
Yet I felt compelled to look for survivors.
I held onto a vague notion of hope, to the childish idea that, impossible as it was, somehow everything would be okay.
I scattered my fleet of drones off into the desolation.
I searched through empty office buildings covered in radioactive dust.