9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from planet money.
I'm Waylon Wong.
I'm Adrian Ma.
And I'm Darian woods.
The indicator triumvirate has answered that Clarion call because as we heard from Fed chair Jerome Powell this week, the committee.
Decided to lower the target range for the federal funds rate by a half.
Percentage point, 50 whole basis points.
What does it all mean?
We'll tell you all about it on today's indicators of the week.
That's right.
On today's episode, we've got dot plots.
We've got why the economy might be squeezed even further even though interest rates are lower.
And we've got Sasquatch, an economic sasquatch.
From monetary policy to cryptozoology.
After the break.
A half percentage point.
This message comes from Charles Schwab.
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