It is a big day for the us economy.
As expected, Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell announced that the Fed was lowering interest rates.
The big question was, would it be a shallow cut, a quarter percentage point or a larger one?
Today, the federal Open Market Committee decided to reduce the degree of policy restraint by lowering our policy interest rate by a half percentage point.
This is the first drop since 2020.
It's a symbolic withdrawal from the Fed's offensive on pandemic inflation.
We will have a lot more to say about the Fed and what this all means in the coming days.
For today and tomorrow, though, we're going to look at something that could shake the us economy even more over the next four years, the election of a new president.
This is the indicator from planet money.
I'm Darian woods.
And I'm Waylon Wong.
Over two days, we're going to explain some key ingredients in the presidential candidate's economic recipes.
We'll speak to policy people who agree with the spirit behind some of these economic policy positions tomorrow.
Kamala Harris but today, Donald Trump.
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