Cleopatra (Radio Edit)


You're Dead to Me



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单集简介 ...

Greg Jenner is joined by Dr Shushma Malik and comedian Thanyia Moore to learn about Cleopatra. Cleopatra – the seventh Ancient Egyptian Queen to bear that name – was born around 69 BCE and she’s seen by many historians as the final ruler of dynastic Egypt; a lineage that stretched back 3,000 years. From marrying and murdering her siblings to liaisons of love and political pragmatism with top Romans Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, Cleopatra led a very turbulent life. But when we strip back the modern myths and ancient interpretations, who was the real Cleopatra? This is a radio edit of the original podcast episode. For the full-length version, please look further back in the feed. Research by Aimee Hinds Scott Written by Emma Nagouse, Emmie Rose Price-Goodfellow and Greg Jenner Produced by Emma Nagouse and Greg Jenner Assistant Producer: Emmie Rose Price-Goodfellow Project Management: Isla Matthews Audio Producer: Steve Hankey

单集文稿 ...

  • We're living under more tyranny today than our founding fathers did in 1775.

  • A US presidential election is looming.

  • But underneath, conspiracy culture rears its head once again, and nothing is as it seems.

  • All those things that we had feared was coming true.

  • Burn the house down and start over.

  • It's America through the looking glass.

  • Join me, Gabriel Gatehouse, as the coming storm continues.

  • Listen on BBC Sounds.

  • BBC sounds music radio podcasts.

  • Hello and welcome to you're dead to me, the radio four comedy podcast that takes history seriously.

  • My name is Greg Jenner.

  • I'm a public historian, author and broadcaster.

  • And today we are taking a pleasure cruise down the Nile and plunging into the life and afterlife of one of history's most famous women.

  • That's right, it's Cleopatra coming at you.

  • And to help us, we have two very special guests in history corner.

  • She's assistant professor of classics and the Onassis classics fellow at Newnham College, University of Cambridge.

  • She specialises in the politics of imperial Rome and classical reception studies.

  • And you may remember her from our episode on the rise of Julius Caesar.

  • Sorry, Julius Kaiser.

  • It's doctor Shushma Malik.