No Dogs in the Dog Park | Chapter 7

狗公园禁止狗入内 | 第7章

The Cost of Happiness: Tony Hsieh



38 分钟

第 1 季 第 7 集


单集简介 ...

What remains of Tony’s utopian, llama-shaped vision for a neighbourhood?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • We're in front of a car park that's referred to as the llama lot because Tony Hsieh had an obsession with llamas.

  • It's August 2022, and I'm taking a walk around Vegas with Brent and Anthony, the very spirited pair of artists we met a few episodes ago.

  • There are paintings and prints and images of llamas.

  • There's a neon llama on the signage for the lot.

  • In the days and months after Tony Hsieh's passing in 2020, his impact on Las Vegas was reported in the most glowing terms.

  • Downtown Las Vegas put on a celebration for Tony Hsieh tonight.

  • Shea passed away last November, and ever since his death, there has been an outpouring of support and appreciation for what he's done for our Las Vegas community.

  • Despite the fact that he'd stepped away from the downtown project years prior, it seemed his efforts had a lasting impact.

  • Nothing would be here now if there wasn't any change and if someone didn't have the initiative to get up and do something.

  • This is beautiful.

  • This is amazing.

  • And I love this, and I thank him so much for this.

  • It really takes people like that to really commit to their city, to really put the time and effort and money to just create something for the community.

  • But a couple of years after his death, I want to understand how his legacy lives on what remains of Tony's utopian, llama shaped vision for a neighborhood.

  • What does it look like today?

  • Downtown has changed dramatically as well.

  • But, like, this was what you would call, like a ghetto, like a very not safe area.

  • Like, you see people walking around, going to different shops, buying things, going to get drinks, just having a fun time.

  • That was not this place 15 years ago.

  • But I also think that it took a group of people that they didn't like, that didn't think looked pretty for their image, and they pushed them out, pushed them down, didn't necessarily create programs to help them, you know?