1 小时 4 分钟Wired.com presents the Geek's Guide to the Galaxy, and here is your host, David Barr Kirtley.
Hello, and welcome to episode 561 of Geeks Guide to the Galaxy.
I'm David Barr Kirtley, author of the book save me, Please and other stories.
Publishers Weekly visceral settings and robust characters will have readers marveling at how much Kirtley is able to fit into a limited page count for SFF fans.
With no time to sink into a doorstopper, these concentrated doses of genre goodness will hit the spot.
And Kirkus Reviews writes Kirtley, employs sharp, concise prose that complements his puckish sense of humor.
The author's passionate voice breathes life into this wonderful array of tales.
So again, the book is called save me please and other stories, and it's available now on Amazon.com.
and our guests today are the husband and wife team of Amanda Knox and Christopher Robinson.
Amanda is the author of the best selling memoir waiting to be heard about being falsely accused of murder as a college student living in Italy.
She's also a columnist for Westside Seattle and host of the truth about true crime podcast.
Christopher Robinson is a foe of the McDowell Colony Antietto, and his writing has appeared in the Kenyan Review and McSweeneys.
Hes also the co author, along with Gavin Kovite, of the novels the war of the encyclopedists and deliverus.
And in this interview will be discussing Amanta and Christophers podcast Labyrinth, which features interviews with guests such as Levar Burton, Brent Spiner, Michael Shermer, and John Ronson, and discussed in Christopher's novel deliver us a hilarious take on the future of Amazon's drone delivery program.
And now here's our interview with Amanda Knox and Christopher Robinson.
All right, so we're here with Amanda Knox and Christopher Robinson.
Welcome to the show.
Thank you for having us.
Yeah, pleasure to be here.
Okay, so let's start off with Amanda and have you tell us how big of a fantasy and science fiction fan are you?