Episode 04: Son Of Susan


Your Own Backyard



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单集简介 ...

A man from North Carolina vows to keep the Flores family on their toes, and accidentally finds a new way to get their backyard searched in the process.

单集文稿 ...

  • A note from the smart family.

  • The statute of limitations in this case has expired on everything except murder.

  • Anyone who comes forward with information will not be charged with any crime.

  • At 08:00 a.m.

  • on June 19, 2000, a team of sheriff's investigators knocks on the front door of Susan Flores's East Bridge street home.

  • With them is a group of FBI evidence response team members and a search warrant drafted by an FBI special agent.

  • The 22 page affidavit for the warrant lays out in detail several reasons for focusing their search at this house.

  • First, Paul Flores admits to being the last person with Kristen Smart on the night she disappeared.

  • Then the stories that Paul told his roommate and the police about the walk back to the dorms didn't match up.

  • He had a black eye and scratches on his hands and knees the same weekend that Kristen disappeared and told three different stories about how he got them.

  • He even admitted to lying to police about the first story so he wouldn't sound like a klutz.

  • Then Carda cadaver dogs alerted to the mattress, telephone and wastebasket in Paul's Santa Lucia hall dorm room for the sin of human decomposition.

  • Through all of the three story south mountain residence halls, which each house about 600 students, Paul's was the only one that the dogs alerted on.

  • Then Susan Flores's next door neighbors deposed that they saw Paul and Reuben doing construction work in Susan's backyard not long after Kristen went missing, and afterwards said that they saw new lattice work and a series of planter boxes, which had been cut out of the existing cement in the backyard.

  • After Susan rented the house out to the Lasseter family that fall, Joe Lasseter deposed that one of those planter boxes measured 6ft in length and 3ft in width, and he says he couldn't get flowers to grow in it because after six inches of soil, he hid a second layer of cement.

  • The warrant lists the earring the lasseters found and the dark reddish smudge on it, as well as the cadaver dogs who reacted to the spot where Reuben's garbage can was kept.

  • Since that last search in March of 1997, a garage has been constructed over the top of this area, a garage that seems to me unnecessary.

  • It doesn't house any cars that I know of, and it blocks access to the backyard from the driveway.

  • The warrant also includes the findings of the ground penetrating radar search in 1997, in which the geologist said he found anomalies under the concrete and saw evidence that dirt had been piled up alongside the west side of the house for a period of time and broken pieces of cement which he was told were left by Ruben and Paul Flores in the summer of 1996.

  • In conclusion, the affidavit, Kristen Smart is deceased and either died in Paul Flores dormitory room or was placed there for an unknown period of time.