Episode 06: Ongoing and Active

第 06 集:持续且活跃

Your Own Backyard



56 分钟


单集简介 ...

A newspaper publisher thinks he's found Kristin Smart, until he hits a brick wall.

单集文稿 ...

  • A note from the smart family the statute of limitations in this case has expired on everything except murder.

  • Anyone who comes forward with information will not be charged with any crime.

  • San Pedro, known by locals as San Pedro, is a harbor community in the south Bay of California, technically part of the greater Los Angeles area.

  • A waterway runs alongside the quiet neighborhoods, and the air smells like a combination of car exhaust and fish market.

  • The region is a haven for windsurfing, cruise ships and seafood, and for the last nine years, it's also the home of Paul Flores, who, with the help of his parents, purchased a house here in 2011.

  • The destination is on your right.

  • Arrived at 06:30 a.m.

  • on a Monday morning, I find his street.

  • I'm hopeful that I can catch him leaving for work so I don't have to knock on his door.

  • The street is so narrow that parked cars have two of their tires up on the curb to leave enough road for other cars to drive on.

  • When two cars come down the street in opposite directions, one of them has to pull to the side to allow the other to pass.

  • I find a place to park, and I sit for a few hours, hoping that Paul will come out.

  • Several neighbors move their curtains aside to look at me, and an occupant of the house next door comes out to water his lawn, glancing over at me repeatedly before taking a seat on a large porch swing, which, curiously, is turned to face Paul's house.

  • Directly across the street is a banner advertising an at home daycare center for children.

  • I'm not the first person to come here to try to talk to Paul, and the neighbors are clearly tired of it.

  • I can't tell whether they don't know what he's been accused of or don't care.

  • It's worth noting here that in 1996, Paul Flores's attorney came to the smart family's attorney with an allow Paul to plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter with a six year sentence and an agreement not to pursue him in civil court, and he would lead authorities to Kristen's body.

  • Before the smart family could even consider the compromise, he withdrew the offer.

  • The guy on the swing never goes back inside, and I finally decide to try knocking around.

  • 09:00 a.m.