Episode 3: Operation Artemis

第 3 集:阿耳忒弥斯行动

Hunting Warhead



44 分钟

单集简介 ...

After the arrest of Canadian Benjamin Faulkner, Taskforce Argos has to learn how to become Warhead on Child’s Play, before its users realize that the site has been compromised. But time is running out — and very difficult moral decisions will have to be made. For transcripts of this series, please visit: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcastnews/hunting-warehead-transcripts-listen-1.5346693

单集文稿 ...

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  • That's Amazon.com adfreetruecrime.

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  • This is a CBC podcast.

  • The following episode contains difficult subject matter.

  • Listener discretion is advised.

  • When they were arrested Paul, Kim, Faulkner, where were you all?

  • Were you and the team inside a room listening to the arrest?

  • I mean, how did it work?

  • No, I mean, there was no remote monitoring or anything like that.

  • That's Paul Griffiths, one of the investigators with task force Argos.

  • We were kept in fairly constant touch over the course of the whole weekend.

  • In terms of.

  • Griffiths is based in Brisbane, Australia.

  • He works for the Queensland police service.

  • Time zones obviously present something of a challenge, and I think by the time.