49 分钟第 1 季 第 3 集
Campsite Media this episode contains some references to suicide.
We don't go into detail, but discretion is advised.
Summer in Tokyo is the goddamn worst.
We had been negotiating with Saitosan, the Yo Nigiya CEO from last episode, for a second yo Nigi interview for over a month and finally decided on July 2.
But no one was ready for the premature heat wave that was going to hit Tokyo.
Temperatures reached 100 and just wouldn't quit, and people were urged to stay inside.
On the day of the interview, someone on Choco's train literally passed out right on top of her from heatstroke in a big, sweaty mess.
It was brutal, but we had finally snagged an interview with a former Yo Nigia client.
He was once a successful golf course owner.
We were grateful that they were willing to come in and talk to us in this heat.
Shoko and I went to pick them up at a cafe near our studio to get them a drink.
It was great to see Saita san decked out as usual and fanning herself with those glittery nails of hers.
Her client, whose name was Sugi Moto san, was standing a little behind her.
He bowed to us very politely, as people often do in Japan.
He was tall, tan, and wore a baseball cap that covered his buzz cut hair.
We asked him what he wanted and he ordered an espresso shake, which happens to be what I always get.
Saitis san said, sugimoto san has a notorious sweet tooth and was like, you're in such good shape no matter how much you eat.
How do you do that?
According to her, all the women in her Yonege company have a little crush on Sugimoto san.