Episode 3: Sugimoto! You Bastard!

第3话 杉本! 你这个混蛋!

Evaporated: Gone with the Gods



49 分钟

第 1 季 第 3 集


单集简介 ...

Sugimoto-san is a driver for Saita-san’s yonige company. But he’s also a former client. Who built a huge golf course … and got in way over his head. Subscribe to The Binge to get all episodes of The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods, ad-free right now. Click ‘try free’ at the top of the Evaporated: Gone with the Godsshow page on Apple Podcasts to start your free trial or visit GetTheBinge.com to get access wherever you get your podcasts. A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more great podcasts from SonyMusic Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

单集文稿 ...

  • Campsite Media this episode contains some references to suicide.

  • We don't go into detail, but discretion is advised.

  • Summer in Tokyo is the goddamn worst.

  • We had been negotiating with Saitosan, the Yo Nigiya CEO from last episode, for a second yo Nigi interview for over a month and finally decided on July 2.

  • But no one was ready for the premature heat wave that was going to hit Tokyo.

  • Temperatures reached 100 and just wouldn't quit, and people were urged to stay inside.

  • On the day of the interview, someone on Choco's train literally passed out right on top of her from heatstroke in a big, sweaty mess.

  • It was brutal, but we had finally snagged an interview with a former Yo Nigia client.

  • He was once a successful golf course owner.

  • We were grateful that they were willing to come in and talk to us in this heat.

  • Shoko and I went to pick them up at a cafe near our studio to get them a drink.

  • It was great to see Saita san decked out as usual and fanning herself with those glittery nails of hers.

  • Her client, whose name was Sugi Moto san, was standing a little behind her.

  • Sheepishly.

  • He bowed to us very politely, as people often do in Japan.

  • He was tall, tan, and wore a baseball cap that covered his buzz cut hair.

  • We asked him what he wanted and he ordered an espresso shake, which happens to be what I always get.

  • Saitis san said, sugimoto san has a notorious sweet tooth and was like, you're in such good shape no matter how much you eat.

  • How do you do that?

  • According to her, all the women in her Yonege company have a little crush on Sugimoto san.