Episode 9: The Right to Disappear


Evaporated: Gone with the Gods



53 分钟

第 1 季 第 9 集


单集简介 ...

One mystery is solved – Morimoto is alive. But finding him raises a question: Do those who disappear to start a new life have the right to stay missing? Subscribe to The Binge to get all episodes of The Evaporated: Gone with the Gods, ad-free right now. Click ‘try free’ at the top of the Evaporated: Gone with the Godsshow page on Apple Podcasts to start your free trial or visit GetTheBinge.com to get access wherever you  get  your  podcasts. A Campside Media & Sony Music Entertainment production. Find more      great podcasts from SonyMusic Entertainment at   sonymusic.com/podcasts Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

单集文稿 ...

  • Campsite media.

  • The last time Morimoto showed any signs of life, as far as we know, was on September 22, 2021.

  • He reached out to Steve and Julie, the couple we met back in episode one with a text message.

  • So now, so many years later, all of a sudden gets text messages from him.

  • He surfaces at 40 minutes after midnight on the 22 September, of course, on a different phone number.

  • This is Morimoto.

  • You know, I just changed the phone number.

  • That's why I couldn't contact you.

  • See, he had changed his phone.

  • He surfaces and he's contacting us now.

  • After being gone, we were shocked that he was trying to contact us.

  • I mean, when you think about it again, step outside the box.

  • Desperate people do desperate things, but to them it's almost normal.

  • Like somehow, some way, possibly in his brain.

  • Since he's been gone for a couple of years now, he's gotten to a point now where he's underground, facing some sort of crisis, to where he has no other choice now but to surface in order to survive.

  • Or why would he come out and contact the people that know already what he has been involved with and done in the past?

  • How did you feel when you got that message?

  • Mazui is a general word that means this is bad.

  • You can use it when food tastes bad, when something is awkward, or in this case, when you know you're up against something that could mean trouble.

  • Basically anything that leaves a bad taste in your mouth.