32 分钟Ted audio collective.
Thanks to jira for sponsoring this episode.
We'll go three, two, one.
Three, two, one, go.
It's Wednesday night, survivor time.
Watching survivor is a family tradition.
We love to analyze the social dynamics of the game and try to figure out who will gain status and who will get voted off the island.
The best blindside ever was when the black widow brigade tricked eric.
When was that?
Season 16.
The black Widow brigade is an alliance of four women, including some of the best ever to play survivor.
I'm Parvati.
I am the notorious leader of the black Widow brigade.
The alliance is so strong that they make it to the final five.
The only man left is Eriche.
They're planning to vote him out, but that day he wins the challenge, which gives him immunity.
And the final puzzle that he wins says guaranteed a spot in the final four.
So we're all devastated.
I'm like, no, I really wanted this to be a final four of all women, and I was crushed.