Josh I'm Josh Mucchio.
This is the pitch where startup founders raise millions and listeners can invest.
The pitch for Gecko materials is coming up after this.
Life is filled with crucible moments, those turning points where a tough decision can change everything.
Sequoia Capital's podcast, Crucible moments, asks founders of some of the world's most important tech companies to reflect on those very moments that defined who they are today.
And in this season, Crucible moments is.
Back with the founders of YouTube, ServiceNow, Doordash, Natera, Reddit, and more as they share firsthand their triumphs, setbacks, and the often unexpected decisions that shaped them.
Tune in to the new season of Crucible moments.
Now you can catch up on season
or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Like, I dont need people seeing all of the blemishes.
They just have a touch up button back on.
Historically, deep tech startups have not done well on this show.
In fact, theyve done so poorly that those episodes rarely see the light of day.
If youre a member of the pitch uncut, you know what im talking about.
But deep tech, im not giving up on you.
You are so much cooler than b two B sasse.
For season twelve, I vowed to find a deep tech company that would stick.
And when I met capella, cursed.
I thought she was the one to break our deep tech drought.