Day three, pitch six.
The cloud.
It's practically magic servers in the sky.
Does anyone actually know what it is?
But if the cloud goes down, you notice.
In fact, it's major news.
Netflix users had some trouble viewing shows this weekend.
The website apparently was down for several hours last night.
Slack went down all across the world today.
Facebook and Instagram services being restored across the country.
Who's frantically running around to patch things up when the cloud goes down?
It's people.
People called sres, site reliability engineers.
Today's twin founders, Nilo and Jen, want to use AI to automate site reliability, which might sound pretty niche, but it's not.
Cloud monitoring companies like Datadog, New Relic, and splunk are all worth billions.
It's the type of thing VC's love.
Can these sisters bring AI to the cloud?
Or will one of the big dogs steal their thunder?
I'm Josh Mucchio.