Pitch four.
The year is 2024, and everyone is trying to incorporate AI into everything.
Imagine a future where you don't have to write your own emails, buy your own groceries, or watch your own dog.
Maybe AI could just replace you entirely.
Today's founder, Vida, is taking us one step closer to that future.
Her company, Flock, creates AI models, as in fashion and beauty models, not computer models, so that when you're shopping online, you can actually see how things would look on someone like you.
These lifelike models have your skin tone, your height, your body shape.
Sounds equal parts useful and creepy.
But Vita can't be the only one bringing AI to e commerce.
So how will the investors evaluate whether this AI startup is the one to walk the Runway with?
I'm Josh Mucchio.
Welcome to the pitch where real founders pitch real investors for real money.
Let's meet the investors.
Elizabeth Yin with hustle fund do you.
Love the problem you're working on?
Charles Hudson with precursor Ventures.
I wish that had been your open.
That was so good.
Pascal Unger with focal vc.
That's, I think, how you have a chance outside of raising just a boatload of money.