33 分钟BBC sounds music radio podcasts.
Hello, I'm Martin Lewis, and this is the cunningly named the Martin Lewis podcast.
I do wonder what that's going to be about.
Now, we decided that what you really wanted during the summer was a whole host of best of podcasts subtext.
I'm taking a few weeks off, and we didn't want to leave you without a podcast, so we've decided to pick a few of the best bits to show you while I'm taking a little bit of a break and resting these vocal cords.
When you talk as quickly as I do, that's quite important.
This one's from before the election.
Nihal and I were joined by policy guru Polly McKenzie to look at some of your suggested ideas to improve the country and whether they could work in practice or not.
We called it our money festo.
Play the theme tune.
I got bills I gotta pay, so I'm gonna work for everybody.
Welcome to a teller's special.
It's called the money festo.
So what I wanted to know is, if you could change a law or regulation to improve consumer finance or personal finance products, or that the way the system operates, what would it be?
And I have someone to help me, which I'm very excited about, not something I often do.
Joining me is Polly McKenzie, who used to be head of policy for the Lib Dems and then was then embedded in number ten during the coalition government.
She's a proper policy wonk.
And then what I would say the highlight of her career definitely was when she was the first chief executive of the money and mental Health Policy Institute charity that I set up and chair.
So she got to work with me.
I mean, lucky, lucky, lucky person that Polly is.