42 分钟BBC sounds Music Radio podcasts hello, I'm Martin Lewis and this is the cunningly named the Martin Lewis podcast.
I do wonder what that's going to be about.
Now, we decided that what you really wanted during the summer was a whole host of best of podcasts sub techs.
I'm taking a few weeks off and we didn't want to leave you without a podcast, so we've decided to pick a few of the best bits to show you while I'm taking a little bit of a break and resting these vocal cords.
When you talk as quickly as I do, that's quite important.
This episode is looking at the importance of buying national insurance shares to boost your state pension.
We've had some cracking tellers this year too, so here's another chance to hear when you prefer to buy cheap, whether it's sausage rolls or bog rolls.
And remember, much of these come from my BBC radio five live show.
Some of these would involve a presenter, often Nihal Arthur Naika.
Oh, they were the days.
What do you mean?
It was only a few weeks ago.
What you talking about?
Let's get on with it, shall we?
Play the theme tune.
So we need to start.
This is all about the new state pension now.
The new state pension.
There's a new state pension and an old state pension.
The new state pension was introduced in 2016 and it applies to all men born after the 5 April 1951, so the 6 April 1951 onwards and women after the 5 April 1953, so the 6 April 1953 onwards.