32 分钟If you are a consultant, marketer or financial professional seeking to build an enduring business, one that is enjoyable, profitable and sustainable, then you are in the right place.
I'm your host, Natalie Ekdal, and my zone of genius is coaching women business owners from multi five figures in annual revenue to multi six figures in annual revenue.
Our clients seek to build stability through a retainer business or high ticket project business.
And our six figures lab group coaching program supports them in raising prices, setting boundaries, and positioning their business into the optimal space in the marketplace.
Like you, I have a lot on my plate as a wife, mom of three, caregiver, volunteer and business owner.
May I encourage you to get as much help as you can afford at home and in your business.
And remember, just because you can do something does not mean that you should.
Welcome back, Elizabeth.
Hi, Natalie.
I'm really excited today to cover our retainer roadmap and the four states of the retainer roadmap that we've defined.
And then we're going to focus on how people move from a package of hours to a package of value, and then we're going to cover some examples as well.
That sounds great.
So should we start by identifying what those four stages are?
So we have a visual of the retainer roadmap, which we share in our workshop, which is the same name, the retainer roadmap.
And if anyone's interested in learning more about that workshop, they can go to bizchicks.com retainer.
So I recommend that if listening to this is of interest as we help someone build a retainer business, there are four stages that all businesses walk through, and different amounts of time are spent in, you know, depending on the business and the person and the trajectory of their business.
There's not like a set timeline for any of these.
And as we were talking beforehand, some of the roadblocks come up again and again.
But in general, these are the four stages that we see businesses go through.