Hi there.
I'm Gabriella Cowperthwaite, and for the last two seasons of team history, from Atlassian, you've heard stories of inspiring and surprising teamwork.
In season one, we uncovered teams you may never have heard of behind some of history's greatest accomplishments.
And I was like, holy crap, you know, this is really a black hole.
In season two, we heard stories about teams, of teams and how they work to save companies and save lives.
You don't need a translator to understand just the joy radiating from Thailand today.
After all, twelve boys and their coach were rescued from a flooded cave in season three.
As the entire world grapples with unprecedented change, we have stories for you about teams that have shaken up industries, challenged convention, upended legacies where a single team can change an entire organization and even a whole industry with new ideas and new ways of working.
If we don't take risks, we lose the muscle and we can easily fall back or fall into living off of what typically makes us successful.
If we don't feel a level of discomfort and we don't have teams that are not just capable but really good at driving disruptive innovation, even when it's super complex and goes against all of the conventions of the company, then I think we do ourselves a disservice.
You'll hear how a community group in Detroit is working to bring high speed Internet to underserved neighborhoods, how teams at IBM and Mattel pushed their companies into game changing technologies, and how a group of people inside the Indian Premier League turned cricket, Bollywood and social media upside down.
If people choose to work together and with each other, as opposed to against each other, I think it just shows the wonderful thing that sport can be in the face of any kind of adversity.
You can listen to the first episode of the new season of team history June 7, and you can subscribe for free wherever you listen to podcasts.