9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from Planet money.
I'm Waylon Wong, and today I am joined by not one, but two non indicator hosts.
It's a takeover.
Oh, my goodness.
Who is this?
It's a boss rush.
It's a hostile takeover by Planet Money's very own Kenny Malone.
Making a repeat appearance here.
And now producer and NPR gaming lead James Mastromarino.
Hey, so good to be here again.
And you guys are here for indicators of the week.
It is our show where we talk about fascinating numbers from the news on today's episode.
We've got, we've got a small gdp.
Increase, small, small, a big stimulus in.
China and a very hairy monkey kingdom.
Coming up after the break.
I know I have a beard, James, but that's not very kind.