9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from planet money.
I'm Darien woods.
And I'm Waylon Wang.
So you've probably heard of peak oil.
The theory that we've already hit maximum conventional oil production.
There's also peak tv.
That's how some critics describe a golden age of television in the early two thousands.
Now let us introduce you to peak 65.
So peak 65 refers to a record number of Americans who are retiring.
It's the biggest retirement surge in history, and it started this year.
More than 4 million Americans will turn 65 between 2024 and 2027.
That's over 11,000 people hitting this milestone every single day.
It's a lot of birthday candles.
We are going to need a bigger cake.
Or more importantly, we are going to need more robust systems to make sure this record number of retirees is financially secure, because we've probably all seen the headlines about how Social Security is in huge trouble.
The program's cash surplus is expected to run out in less than a decade.