9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from Planet money.
I'm Waylon Wong, here with friend of the show Nate Hedge.
He is the host of the public radio podcast outside in.
Welcome back to the show, Nate.
It's so great to be back, Waylon.
And I have a question for you.
How often do you use GPS?
Oh, in the car, I am Michael Scott driving into a lake.
I'll do whatever the GPS says.
Can't live without it?
Well, you are not alone.
A recent survey found that nearly half of all Americans say they could not live without GPS in their car.
And it turns out the american economy could not live without GPS either.
Satellite navigation systems ensure that the clocks on Wall street all aligned, that commercial fishermen know where to go, and of course, that your Lyft driver knows where to pick you up.
But our access to GPS is becoming increasingly vulnerable to attacks from foreign adversaries.
A study from a few years ago found that an outage could cost our country at least $1 billion a day.
And we don't have a backup.
Russia does.
China does, but we don't.