Weve seen how industries can change in the blink of an eye.
Its true.
1 minute, youre the top video rental store in the world, and the next, nobody even knows what a video rental store is.
Some enterprises cant handle change.
Others are built for it.
On built for change, we talk to the business leaders whove embraced reinvention to thrive in turbulent times and come out on top.
So what can you learn from reinventors today?
Check out built for Change, a podcast from Accenture.
Wherever you get your podcasts.
Casey, I had a very weird thing happen to me last weekend, which is that Netflix released a documentary that I was in.
So this was something that I taped, like, two years ago, had basically no memory of, but it was with Bill Gates, and it's about AI.
I remember when you told me that you were going to do this, and it seemed like it was an exciting thing.
Cause it was gonna be a documentary and they were gonna put it on Netflix.
And then all of a sudden, I started getting from people I know with screenshots of their Netflix, where my face was the first thing that they saw when they logged into Netflix.
Like the big hero image on top of the thing.
But except it wasn't really your face, was it?