Siegfried and Roy, they've been doing this for, you know, 30 years and never had an incident.
And now all of a sudden they had an incident and they're like, whoa, this is not typical.
Michael game is the police detective with the Las Vegas counterterrorism unit.
He is investigating whether the tiger attack wasn't an accident.
So everybody, I think, was just kind of like something had to happen.
So what we were looking at was, did somebody in the audience do something to cause the animal to react differently than it was normally known to react?
Is it the right way to frame it that somebody may have tried to use a tiger as a murder weapon?
Well, I would put it that way.
I mean, that's not something I'm willing to state.
But could you imagine if we were to come out with something like that?
We'd be inundated with major news up and down the Strip.
Did you consider whether this might be an inside job?
I mean, trust me, you were always looking at other motives other than what the number one thing everybody thinks occurred.
You have to, because if you don't, you're gonna miss something.
So that was okay.
So that's a question we have.
You know, is there a disgruntled employee?
Michael interviews various crew members, animal trainers and dancers to see if they might have been involved or if they know anyone who might.
Some of these interviews prove challenging.
Well, when you're dealing with employees, employees of a corporation, it's expected they're going to be a little guarded and only answer questions.