The Sunny Balwani Verdict


The Dropout



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单集简介 ...

Rebecca Jarvis sits down with Brad Mielke, host of ABC News’ “Start Here” podcast to talk about the conviction of former Theranos president Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani. Follow “Start Here” on Apple Podcasts (, Spotify (, or wherever you listen to get the day’s top headlines every morning. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • Hi, dropout listeners, it's Rebecca.

  • So by now you have probably heard the news.

  • Sonny Balwani was convicted of twelve counts of criminal fraud.

  • Minutes after the verdict came down, I got a call from my colleague Brad Milke, inviting me to come on his daily news podcast.

  • Start here and talk through the jury's decision.

  • I want to share a conversation with you.

  • And while you're listening, click the link in our episode description to follow.

  • Start here and get a wrap up of the day's top headlines each morning.

  • Now, here's my conversation with Brad.

  • I know that we made so many mistakes on this front, but we were, we were trying to take this forward and at that time thought that, thought that we were doing the right thing.

  • Elizabeth Holmes said the downfall of Thanksgiving wasn't her fault, it was her business partners.

  • That's why her mega blood testing company had failed and why its incredible claims of using just a drop of blood for accurate, reliable tests in your local drugstore just didn't hold muster.

  • The jury did not buy her excuse and earlier this year convicted her of fraud.

  • Well, of course, that business partner then turned around and said, none of this was my fault.

  • It was Elizabeth Holmes, the guilty one.

  • But yesterday, a different jury rejected his story as well and convicted Sonny Balwani in one of the biggest medical fraud cases in recent history.

  • Nobody has covered this story and these trials as closely as ABC's Rebecca Jarvis, host of the hit podcast the Dropout.

  • And Rebecca, actually, since we'd last spoken, this is now a hit series on Hulu as well.

  • So I should be plugging that.

  • How significant was this verdict yesterday?