Previously on the dropout Elizabeth Holmes on trial we learned about the twelve jurors who will ultimately decide Elizabeth's fate and heard firsthand from dismissed candidates about what Elizabeth was like up close.
She was kind of just like staring at all the jurors as they walked in, looking as if she was about to greet us or something.
This week, the government and the defense set the stage with opening statements, giving us a roadmap of how they plan to argue this case.
And we hear from the prosecution's first witness, Theranos highest ranking finance employee, who will contradict Elizabeth's oft repeated claims that she was ignorant about financials when she allegedly misled investors.
You didn't keep track at all of what Theranos earning revenues?
I did not personally know.
From ABC Audio, this is the dropout Elizabeth Holmes on trial episode four setting the stage the highly anticipated trial of Elizabeth Holmes.
Rebecca Jarvis is at the courthouse in San Jose, California.
Good morning, Rebecca.
It's 04:30 a.m.
on the morning of September 8, 2021, day one of opening statements in the criminal trial of Elizabeth Holmes.
Elizabeth Holmes, the former billionaire and founder of Theranos, is set to be in court today for all today, her fall from grace as a rising star in.
The tech world now under scrutiny, as she claims.
Outside the Robert F.
Peckham Courthouse, the scene is loud, chaotic.
Photographers and crews lug their cameras and lights, jockeying for the best shot.
Reporters prepare to go live.
It'll still be hours before the sun comes up, but already a long line is forming.
I'm Rebecca Jarvis with ABC News, and I wait in it along with dozens of other journalists.
Most major news outlets have someone here, like technology reporter Mike Litke of the Associated Press.