When I was in college, a scammer called me up.
He's like, look, I'm not selling you anything or even telling you what to do.
I just have information about a stock and I wanted to share it with someone.
And you were just like the lucky guy I found in the phone book.
Listen, stock Z is gonna go up next week.
That's all.
I'll call you back next week to prove it.
I was like, alright, that was a strange call, whatever.
And yeah, he calls me back in a week and sure enough, the stock he told me about went way up.
He was spot on, he was all excited about how much money he made.
But I told him he just got lucky and he should cash out and take a trip somewhere.
He's like, no, no, no, it's not luck.
There's an algorithm that can accurately predict this.
And he said he knew which stock was gonna go up next.
I was like all right, so which one's gonna go up next?
And he tells me and says to keep an eye on it and he's gonna call me back next week to prove he was right.
So yeah, another week goes by and the same guy calls me back and he's like, boom, you see what I mean?
And he was all excited again and I was like, I don't see what you mean, but let me check the price.
And I checked the price and again he was right.
And I was like, dang, good job, but I think you got lucky again.