Okay, so I've got a good story for you today.
But when I was researching this episode, I came across something that wasn't exactly hacker related, but it captured my curiosity for, like, a good 30 minutes.
And maybe you'll find this interesting, too.
So, apparently, people in India like flying kites, but when I think of flying kites, I think about doing it in a park or at some beach, someplace wide open, right?
Well, that's not how kite flying happens in India.
They like to fly kites on their rooftops in populated parts of the city, like on the tops of low rise apartments.
And you'll sometimes even see them hanging over their balcony or flying the kite right out the window.
I never even knew you could fly a kite out a window three stories up.
But, yeah, they're doing it.
And I saw videos of this on YouTube and so on nice breezy days in India.
You may look up and see some people on the rooftops flying kites right in the middle of a busy city.
Anyway, kites alone aren't that exciting to me.
But here's the part that surprised me.
Apparently, there are kite fighters among these people, and this gets wild.
They take kite flying to a whole new level, if you ask me.
So the idea here is to knock someone else's kite out of the sky with your kite.
So, like, if you're on the rooftop and you see a kite flying a couple rooftops over from you, the mission is to knock theirs down.
And so the first thing you have to do is to get your kite near theirs, or at least near their string.
And that takes a bit of skill to get your kite close to the person's kite, who's, like, three rooftops away from you.