Antwerp is a town in Belgium.
What comes to mind when I say Antwerp, to me at least, its diamonds, its the hub of the worlds diamond trade.
Well, I imagine if the town is bustling with diamonds, then its probably also attracting some criminals wanting to steal those diamonds.
In 2019, a robbery occurred that really took things to the next level.
It was actually a bank and it was situated in the diamond trading district in Antwerp.
Monday morning, bank employees came to work and checked out the vault.
But something was wrong with the vault and they called the police, who had to force their way into the vault, only to find that the place had been robbed.
How, though?
The bank had all the right security measures.
Cameras watching the bank doors, motion sensors in the bank and sensors in the vault doors themselves.
And everything was secured tighten.
So how did they get into the vault?
They went through the, like, probably six to eight foot thick concrete wall.
They just boreholed.
You can actually see three slightly overlapping, kind of like Mastercard logo interlocking circles, boreholes of about a twelve inch diameter, maybe.
And they just chewed through it over time, getting through the wall.
And they crawled all the way through, did everything they did and crawled all the way out.
Just kind of army crawled through these oath, the sandwich shaped hole.