Did I ever tell you the story about how bitcoin sort of changed my life?
It started in 2014.
My friends were getting into bitcoin.
I saw them playing around with it, and I wanted to learn about this.
So I decided to buy one bitcoin.
The price then was $600.
I felt stupid spending that much money on it.
But what fascinated me was the trading aspect.
The bitcoin market is open 24 7365, unlike the stock market.
And I made a little PHP script that would trade bitcoin after certain indicators were seen swapping it back and forth between us dollars and bitcoin.
I thought with bitcoin fluctuating wildly, maybe there was a way to spot some sort of indicator and jump in when it's going up and jump out when it's going down.
But no, that did not work.
Well, my bot would make some good trades, but with the fees and a few bad trades, it all went back to where I started.
So I turned off the bot and left it alone, still holding one bitcoin.
Well, fast forward to 2017.
I was just starting this podcast and I was feeling really burnt out at work and was ready to quit and just like work on the show or something.
But the show wasn't making any money.
I looked and I still had my one bitcoin from years ago, but the price now was $18,000.
So I decided to sell that bitcoin.