Nursery Rhymes


Twenty Thousand Hertz



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Many of the songs we sing to our children are hundreds of years old, with their original meanings obscured by history. In this episode, producer Leila Battison takes Dallas on a dark, surprising journey through history’s most famous nursery rhymes and lullabies, and up through the “Baby Sharks” and “Happy Songs” of today. Along the way, they share the songs they’ve made up for their own children, and explore why this music is just as important to parents as it is to kids. Sign up for Twenty Thousand Hertz+ to get our entire catalog ad-free. If you know what this week's mystery sound is, tell us at Follow Dallas on Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn. Watch our video shorts on YouTube, and join the discussion on Reddit and Facebook. Find the right doctor, right now at Claim your $75 sponsored job credit at Follow Leila’s channel Science Baby on TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, and Facebook. Enable episode notifications & automatic downloads on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Five Twenty Thousand Hertz episodes that kids would love: Space Remix (Apple/Spotify) Minecraft (Apple/Spotify) Sound 101 with Bill Nye (Apple/Spotify) Tyrannosaurus FX (Apple/Spotify) Songbugs (Apple/Spotify) Episode transcript, music, and credits can be found here: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

单集文稿 ...

  • You're listening to 20,000 hz.

  • I'm Dallas Taylor.

  • Recently, our producer, Layla Badison set up a recording session with me.

  • Hi, Dallas.

  • Hi, Layla.

  • How are you?

  • I'm doing great.

  • We're gonna make a podcast about nursery rhymes.

  • That sounds lovely.

  • So the reason I wanted to make this is cause I've just had a tiny baby and I have found my world completely taken over by nursery rhymes, songs, child appropriate music.

  • And I thought it'd be good to chat to you about it because you are more than just the smooth voice of.

  • More than the smooth voice of.

  • Also have three little ones.

  • And I have also been taken over by many nursery rhymes for over a decade.

  • Just tell me a little bit about how your world changed when you first child arrived.

  • Oh, my goodness, Layla, that's a big question.

  • I know.

  • I like to start with the big ones.

  • Well, first of all, even asking that question, I had a full body wave of, like, tingles just from that being the most profound moment of my life.

  • It's hard to put into words.