You're listening to 20,000.
Grew up in the eighties and nineties, which meant I watched way too many tv commercials.
And back then, many of these ads were built around sound.
The taste is gonna move you when.
You pop it in your mouth juicy fruit is gonna move you.
I want my baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back, baby back I want my baby back, chili baby back I want my baby chili.
That Chili's jingle was written in the mid nineties by an ad executive named Guy Bomber.
At the time, he didn't think it was gonna work.
Here's guy in a great big story piece.
No one, not myself, no one at Chili's heard the piece of music after it was done and thought, this is gonna be around for 20 years.
I thought it would be gone after six weeks.
But guy was totally wrong.
His jingle was such a big hit that it quickly broke free of commercials and became a cultural phenomenon.
Mike Myers sang it in Austin Powers two I want my baby back, baby.
Back, baby back, baby back, baby back ribs I want my.
Steve Carell and Tim Meadows sang it in the office.
I want my baby back, baby back.
Baby back I want my baby back, baby back in a scrubs episode, Doctor Cox tortures another doctor by taping him to a chair in front of a group of singers.
Dear God, what do they say?
Ribs never.