S1.1 Hacking Hollywood

S1.1 黑客好莱坞

The Lazarus Heist



33 分钟

单集简介 ...

A movie, Kim Jong-un and a devastating cyber attack. The story of the Sony hack. How the Lazarus Group hackers caused mayhem in Hollywood and for Sony Pictures Entertainment. And this is just the beginning… #LazarusHeist

单集文稿 ...

  • The Lazarus Heist is a BBC World Service original podcast.

  • Podcasts from the BBC World Service are supported by advertising.

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  • Listen now, wherever you get your BBC podcasts, you know all those movies you thought were made in Hollywood, Gone with the wind, the Matrix, Ben Hur, well, they weren't filmed in Hollywood at all.

  • They were actually shot across town in an area of Los Angeles county called Culver City.

  • That's where you'll find the old MGM film lot.

  • This place is huge and it's legendary.

  • And there are these two white arched gates at the front.