This episode is brought to you by the number seven, which tastes like the color yellow, which is the same as the smell of sending a risky text to your crush, which sounds kind of like finding out your great grandfather was a pirate who murdered a prince and blamed it on another prince, which disrupted a longstanding alliance between two nations, sending the price of cotton candy through the roof, children rioting in the streets.
Destruction, violence.
Oh, my God.
He texted me back.
Uh, here are some more ads.
From gimlet.
This is reply all.
I'm Emanuel Joachi.
So roughly every other morning, I wake up and I go for a run in the park.
Beginning workout.
I love running.
I also hate running.
But for years, I've done it because when I'm in the middle of it, when I'm feeling exhausted, I can say to myself, this is the hardest thing we are gonna do all day.
And it feels true.
The park I run around, Prospect park has this big, roughly three and a half mile loop.
And the toughest point of my run comes right near the end.
It's this infamous, windy, massive hill.
And scaling that fucker every time I run gives me such a big feeling of satisfaction for having done the hard thing.
But in the last two months or so, something's been really bugging me on my runs.