This episode is brought to you by the dream your dog is having during her afternoon nap.
Maybe in her dream, she's scarfing down this huge plate of cheddar cheese while getting the world's best belly rub.
Or maybe she's getting her gold medal in the Olympics for her 100 meters doggy paddle.
It definitely broke a record.
Or maybe she is connecting with her primal roots.
She's racing through the canadian wilderness, chasing down polar bears and puffins and basically anything with legs.
You can really never know.
All you can do is wonder.
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I'm Anna Foley.
I want to tell you about an email that I got a few months ago.
It immediately caught my eye.
It was marked urgent.
The subject line read, please help.
But what really made me enamored with this email was the first line.
It read, I am a huge Justin Bieber fan.
I follow Justin Bieber.
I've followed him since I was 13 years old.
He was like one of my first concerts.