This week, we are not posting an episode of Reply all.
We are off for the holidays.
But what we are airing is a story from Jonathan Goldstein, who has appeared on our show before.
It's a story from the show he hosts called heavyweight.
Absolutely one of my favorite shows in the universe.
And I've got Jonathan here with me.
Hello, Jonathan Goldstein.
Hello, Alex.
It's so nice to be here.
Yeah, it's a pleasure to have you.
I sound like I'm being sarcastic when I meant that sincerely.
I know I have the same problem.
It's a part of why I didn't do good on public radio pledge drives.
I just always sound like I'm being sarcastic, like, please, please give me your money.
I remember doing pledge drives for my college radio station, and I was like, I'm not very good at this, but I'm going to give it a shot.
And then I did the pledge training when I worked in public radio, and they were like, you know what?
We're not going to put you on the.
We're not going to put you on the air.
And look at you now.
Yeah, I guess so.