15 分钟The latest on disinformation researcher Nina Jankowicz’s defamation lawsuit against Fox News — and why the Dominion Voting Machine settlement doesn’t necessarily help her case.
I'm Dina Templerist and this is click.
Here's mic draw.
When Nina Jankowitz agreed to head up a new government division aimed at combating disinformation in the US, she had no idea what she was in for, because almost as soon as her appointment was announced in 2022, she and the new disinformation governments board she was supposed to lead found themselves at the center of a storm.
So today, to herald the coming of the new Soviet America, the administration announced its own ministry of truth.
And the person they've appointed is a Democrat propagandist, Nina Jankiewicz, who's about eight.
And a half months pregnant.
So I'm not sure the credibility of this board is shot already by the.
Fact they appointed this woman and they knew it.
The attacks were unrelenting and a lot of them could be tracked back to a single source, Fox News.
And Nina says it was over 400.
Times that they had mentioned me and usually lied about me in some way, shape or form.
And Nina decided to do this unusual thing.
She fought back and took Fox News to court.
And a judge has just made a preliminary ruling.
I'm Dena Temple Raston, and this is click.
Here's Mic drop, an extended cut of an interview we think you'd like to hear more of.
And today we're talking to Nina Jankowitz about the latest in her defamation lawsuit against Fox News and how it fits into the broader campaign against a wave of disinformation in America.
It is not good for our democracy if a powerful media organization can lie about someone day in and day out, ruin their life in the process, and get away with it and do it for profit.
We'll be right back.
When it comes to AI, it's hard to decipher what's real and what's just hype.