Hi, everybody.
I'm Joe Posnanski here as usual, with Molly Knight.
And it's a new baseball season.
This is super exciting, and we're here to talk about it.
We're here to talk a little spring training.
Here to talk a little baseball.
First of all, Molly, how are you doing?
I'm doing well.
I feel that this is the first season we've had in quite a while that hasn't been overshadowed by, you know, obviously, the pandemic being and the, and the crowds not being there and then the lockout and just.
It feels like we're back, you know?
It does feel.
It does feel.
Well, I mean, other than see through pants on the players, real back.
Other, other than that.
No, it does, it does.
It feels, you know, the rules last year were so, you know, everybody, that's all anybody was talking about, the new rules.
And now those are kind of locked in.
And, and it's just like, it's, it's baseball.
And, and, I mean, we do have a.
We'll talk about this.