I am Joe Posnansky, as always, with Molly Knight.
Molly, how are you?
I'm doing well.
I feel like we did okay on our predictions, except for the Phillies didn't come through yesterday when they should have.
Yeah, we're gonna talk about that.
But we promised you that we would have another podcast between games five and six.
And we promised you also that we would once again be joined by the incredible Ellen Adair, whose voice is not doing that great.
Ellen, how are you?
I'm I'm I'm okay.
I'm hanging in.
The voice.
The voice sounds a little.
A little shaky, as three days of Philadelphia yelling will do.
How is the.
Like, you look.
You look great, as always, but you also look a little.
I wouldn't say hungover is not the word I would use, but is there a little hangover going?
Yeah, well, there's a little bit of general despondency going on.