Okay, so I'm joined with.
By the.
Joined by.
Joined with.
I don't even know how to talk.
Joined with would make us some sort of conjoined twins, and we want to deal with that medical situation.
Well, there you go.
So I'm joined by the great Bob Costa.
So we're going to talk a little bit about the hall of Fame here.
Bob, first of all, Bob, how are you doing?
How's everything going?
That's a broad subject, but things are going extremely well.
I'm doing exactly what I want to do and only what I want to do at this point.
I think it's a good fit for me to have some involvement with the baseball network, which has been the case since 2009, to do a few shows each year for HBO.
And that's a perfect place for me.
It was shortly after the turn of the 21st century when I was there for several years.
And now that I'm back, I mean, it's a performers paradise there, whether it's news, sports, drama, comedy.
You just get to do what you wanna do on your own terms at HBO.
So all good.
That's great.