Hi, welcome to the Molly and Joe podcast.
I'm Joe Posnansky and Molly Knight here with us, and we're going to talk a little hall of Fame, huh, Molly?
Yeah, it's definitely a weird thing to be.
It's something comforting, I think I'm seeing the same level of passion and vitriol and unfriending and I over the hall of Fame that I have, like, in, say, 2012.
So it's a comforting, it's like Christmas or Hanukkah or Thanksgiving.
It's like a comforting ritual this time of year.
Every December and January, no matter what else is going on in the world, we scream at each other about who belongs in the hall of Fame.
It's a beautiful, it's a beautiful thing.
And it's particularly crazy this year, right.
Because we've got, like, so many controversial people.
So first of all, where, where are you on the caring about the hall of Fame?
Oh, God, it's so tough because, like, I guess I'm a sucker for nostalgia.
I'm not as nostalgic as some people.
Like, I don't keep photo albums around the house necessarily.
But, my God, like, if you've ever been to Cooperstown, just the city, the town itself, like, forget the museum.
It is.
I've been fortunate enough to be able to travel across most of the United States in places big and small.
And Cooperstown, it ranks up there with one of the most beautiful, idyllic, picturesque spots I've ever been in my life.
And so anything, on the one hand, anything that draws people to this oasis of just harmony and stillness and nature and beauty and kindness and small town folks who know your coffee order.