Thank you for having me, Joe.
Welcome to the podcast.
I am Joe Poznansky, and with me is Michael Shore.
Michael, welcome.
Thank you for having me, Joe.
You are so welcome.
This is.
This is so exciting because I only saw you, like, two days ago or whatever, so it's not really that exciting.
But it was the first time we haven't seen each other, obviously, since the pandemic started.
But also just in general, I think.
What is the total number of times we've been in the same place at the same time in our lives in the 71 years we've been doing this?
In the 71 years we've been doing this.
But of course, we've only done this podcast live once.
Well, twice, I guess, at Wrigley Field.
But actually being in the same place at the same time, maybe it's like south of ten, right?
I mean, I would say it's eight times, maybe nine times we've been in this.
We've actually been together usually when you came to LA to do something somewhere.
Right, right.