I'm Josh Muccio.
This is the pitch where startup founders raise millions and listeners can invest.
The pitch for recraft is coming up right after this.
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Support for this episode of the pitch comes from Mercury.
Some companies just get their audience and that's why I'm so excited that Mercury is sponsoring season twelve of our show.
Because for so many startup founders, they dont just need a bank, they need a solution that prioritizes their needs and helps solve their specific pain points.
Thats Mercury.
Ive actually been a Mercury customer for the last two years and I love the product.
And you know who else loves the product?
A familiar voice on the show, Elizabeth Yin.
Shes actually an investor in Mercury and she'll tell us more later in the episode.
Back to the pitch.
One of the quarantine hobbies I picked up was homebrewing.
Yes, I'm one of those humans who makes beer in his garage and I'm actually quite good at it, according to my friends.
So a few months ago, when Dean Eberhardt pitched me on a new technology that could revolutionize the beer industry, it was like two of my favorite things in the entire world collided beer and startups.
And for the first time on this show, I may know more about what's being pitched than any of the vc's.