9 分钟NPR.
Darian woods.
Good to see you.
Willa Rubin, planet money producer.
Now, where in the world are you?
I am in Berlin for a fellowship, and I want to take you on a little field trip to a place at the center of a new battle over regulation and competition.
We are going to a doner kebab shop in Berlin.
Doner kebabs.
You know, those sandwiches that have minced or sliced meat?
Not my thing personally as a vegetarian, but they are delicious for the people who eat them.
I have seen vegan doner kebabs for what it's worth.
But yeah, donor Kebs.
They originally come from Turkey, and they are super popular all around Europe, including here in Germany.
People here spend almost two and a half billion euros on them every year, according to an industry estimate.
On the other day, I met Arif Kellish, owner of his ar fresh food in Schonaburg.
He showed me around the kitchen.
There's a workstation where bread is being grilled.
There's a section for sauces, another for salads.