9 分钟NPR.
This is the indicator from Planet money.
I'm Waylon Wong.
And I'm Paddy Hirsch.
There's a point in a recent episode of the HBO tv series industry where a certain type of financial instrument makes a surprise cameo.
Picture a bank boardroom at 04:00 a.m.
in London filled with sweaty people in shirt sleeves.
Surely there are a number of sovereign wealth funds that'd like to grow their stake in Pierpont.
All right, no spoilers here, especially if you haven't seen the season finale yet, but sovereign wealth funds are having a bit of a moment right now.
You can never accuse them of living in the shadows.
But recently, both members of the Biden administration and the Trump campaign have been heard floating the idea of an american sovereign wealth fund.
Yeah, and this is an idea that has, for the most part, attracted snorts of derision from political scientists and economists.
But before we leap to judgment, let's do a little due diligence.
Due diligence is my love language, Patty.
I know it is.
On today's show, we'll learn what a sovereign wealth fund is and how these funds came about, and then we'll hear a bit more about whether a us national sovereign wealth fund is a good or even viable idea.
That's coming up after the break.
I promised you an explanation of what a sovereign wealth fund is, and for that, we're going to hear from Tyler Cowen.
He's a professor of economics at George Mason University and a longtime friend of the indicator.