How can a microchip manufacturer keep track of 250 million control points at once?
How can technology behind animated movies help enterprises reimagine their future?
Built for change?
Listeners know those answers and more.
I'm Elise Hu.
And I'm Josh Klein.
We're the hosts of Built for Change, a podcast from Accenture.
We talk to leaders of the world's biggest companies to hear how they've reinvented their business to create industry shifting impact and how you can, too.
New episodes are coming soon, so check out built for change wherever you get your podcasts.
Well, Casey, we have some news about the show to start the show with this week.
But first, I want to tell you a parable.
Oh, God, I love stories.
Kevin, so imagine for a second that you were a coffee drinker.
I know you're a tea drinker, but let's imagine that you're more of a coffee guy.
And every week you go into your favorite coffee shop and you order a coffee, and they say, this one's on us, Mister Newton.
Oh, that's nice.
And you do this for weeks, maybe years go by, and they're just giving you free coffee.
And then one day you show up and they say, you know, this coffee, we love giving it to you, but it does cost us something to make, and we have to pay our rent, and there's salaries for the employees.