35 分钟Ted audio collective.
You'Re listening to how to be a better human.
I'm your host, Chris Duffy.
It will come as no surprise to anyone who knows me or has listened to this show for a while to hear that I have always loved school.
I love to learn for fun.
These days as an adult, I take language classes.
When I was in fourth grade, all that I asked for for my birthday was reference books.
That's what I wanted as a present.
And you know what?
I got them.
You have never seen a young boy more excited to receive an unabridged dictionary than I was.
I used to carry around a book of obscure words for word lovers in my backpack.
My favorite word.
I'm so glad that you asked.
It was defenestration, which means the act of throwing someone out a window.
I thought that was hilarious.
Am I painting a transpicuously clear picture for you?
I think I am.
I was a little nerd, a little teacher's pet, and I loved school.
That is one of the reasons why I am so struck by today's guest, Angeline Murray Mirois.