A Big Announcement


This American Life



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单集简介 ...

Ira Glass has news to share about some things happening here at This American Life.

单集文稿 ...

  • Hey there, podcast listeners.

  • Ira here not with a new episode of our show,

  • but to say a few things about some of the backstage,

  • behind the scenes stuff going on at our program

  • and to make an announcement.

  • The reason for the announcement is there have been some changes

  • in the podcast industry.

  • Basically, the ad market has dropped.

  • It's hard to run a podcast by selling ads,

  • and it's affected nearly everybody who does a podcast.

  • In the last few years,

  • we've watched friends at podcasting companies all around us

  • as they made massive staff cuts.

  • Some companies have gone under.

  • Ad revenue is crucial here at our show.

  • Advertisements are the main way that we pay for everybody's salaries

  • and all the production costs.

  • And because of these changes in the industry this coming year,

  • we expect our ad revenue to be a third less.

  • A third less than what we brought in just a few years ago.