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You'Re listening to how to be a better human.
I'm your host, Chris Duffy.
Something I've been thinking about a lot recently is how time seems to just keep speeding up.
The older I get, the more that it seems like months and weeks just rip right on by.
One day I look down and it's the middle of the summer, and then I look up and it's somehow New Year's Eve.
It makes my head spin.
But what I've been really trying to think through is how to slow time down.
How can I really experience each moment and make sure that I don't just blink and realize that my life is passing me by?
For me, there are a few reliable ways to slow time down, to make it feel like it is not flying by.
One is travel a day in a new place.
It feels so much longer than a day at home.
It feels so full of memorable, exciting and new things.
But I actually don't think that's the most fun way to slow down time.
The most fun way to put a mental signpost in a day for me is to make sure that I am a part of some sort of spectacle.
Something weird and wild and unexpected.
Those are the most fun and the most memorable days.
A random parade that you walk past and decide to join in, that is an A spectacle.
Or a DIY relay race competition that's organized by your friends.
That's a spectacle, too.