Tom was such a handbrake turn in another direction.
And to play this moron, really quite a sympathetic man, but somebody described him as a human grease stain, which I thought was quite good.
But to play this kind of person is such departure.
It was just bliss.
It was just a real relief.
This is HBO succession podcast.
This is Roger Bennett, aka that corn fed basic from hockey town.
My guest today is a smarmy, brown nosed king of beta maleness.
A xenia clad, parasitic, social climbing mentor, tormentor, water bottle chart obsessive cuckold Crown Prince of Doom Love, one of television's great nervous laughers, a man whose DNA is 83% fomo.
Oh yes, Tom Wamsgams, the submissive Minnesota night ultimate wife guy to shiv Roy, who married his way straight into the death pit at Waystar Royco, like a moth attracted to the flame of obscene wealth.
Look, here's the thing about being rich, okay?
It's fucking great.
It's like being a superhero, only better.
You get to do what you want.
The authorities can't really touch you.
You get to wear a costume, but it's designed by Armani and it doesn't make you look like a prick.
But Womsgans is so much more than a one dimensional comic stooge.
Mostly because my guest plays him so deftly.
A state of mind.